Finally Dispatched


I finally received an email on Friday to say my Raspberry Pi had been dispatched, so hopefully only a few days before it gets delivered.

The order process for the Raspberry Pi hasn't been the best... I first ordered a Raspberry Pi from RS Components on the 26th June 2012, with an expected delivery, of mid-end September. This long delivery was due to the limited initial production of the Raspberry Pi as well as its popularity.

On the 16th August 2012 - I noticed on the Farnell website that they had a delivery time of less that 3 weeks, which would mean that I could get my Raspberry Pi sooner if I ordered through them. So I cancelled my RS order and made a new order through Farnell.

So it seems like the 2 companies are getting an equal share of the Raspberry Pi boards, even though RS must still have a large backlog of orders...

I can't fault either company's customer service, I've had good communication from both and the RS processed the refund quickly.

Check back in the next few days for some more interesting posts about the initial set up of the Raspberry Pi and actually using it.


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